Archive for October, 2008

“Authentic Conversations” by Jamie Showkeir and Maren Showkeir

“Authentic Conversations”: Moving from Manipulation to Truth and Commitment is an exciting new book by Jamie and Maren Showkeir, organizational consultants with a sound and accessible strategy for improving any organization’s bottom line through paying attention to its most valuable, and available, resources: its employees and the workplace culture in which they perform.   Using everyday language Jamie and Maren offer clear examples of typical organizational communication styles, and alternative styles that will enhance engagement and commitment.  The result they point us to is increased personal contentment, full participation though sharing both the burden of problems and the joy of innovative ideas, and success by adopting a thoughtful fidelity to organizational values and goals.

“Authentic Conversations” is important reading for anyone working in an organization and feeling that things need to improve!  Published by BK Business books, San Francisco.

Welcome to cyberia

Hello, and welcome to my blog.  I am a Clinical Psychologist in private practice with offices in both Oakland and Hayward, California.  Soon this page will be linked to my website,, and that should make it easier to find both. 

In this blog I plan to write comments and helpful information on mental health issues, pass on ideas and comments from others, offer book reviews for recommended reading, and invite guest professionals to write about their own ideas and practices.  

I hope you enjoy what you find here in the coming months.  

Thanks to Bob and Arvi at Weymouth Design for their help and guidance in getting started with both my website and this blog.

October 2008

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