Archive for August 10th, 2010

Gambling Problems #2

Low-Risk Gambling requires awareness and discipline.

Low-risk gamblers, people who are able to gamble without it becoming an addictive problem, tend to use gambling mainly as a form of entertainment.  When they win it’s an exciting surprise, and when they lose it’s seen as equivalent to the cost of other fun outings such as movies, dinner or a day at the spa. 

Most importantly, what distinguishes low-risk gamblers from problem gamblers is that they understand that they will lose money if they gamble long enough.

If you want to maintain safety in your gambling behavior, follow these critical guidelines:

  • Decide on a loss limit ahead of time and stick to it.

  • Never borrow money to gamble.

  • Set a time limit on how long you will gamble even if you’re winning.

  • Take frequent breaks.

  • Balance your gambling outings with other activities.

  • Only gamble with money set aside for entertainment and NEVER with money needed for living expenses or targeted savings (such money saved for education, housing, medical care or retirement).

These tips and additional information on problem gambling is available from the State of California Office of Problem Gambling. 

If you or someone close you think you may need help with your gambling behavior, call a qualified therapist to begin exploring ways to curb your addiction.

Call 1-800-GAMBLER for more information about problem gambling.


August 2010

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