Archive for August 24th, 2010

Gambling Problems #3 – young gamblers

Gambling is an attractive activity for many youth.

The State of California Office of Problem Gambling reports that between 10% and 15% of teenagers may have a gambling problem!  They are growing up in a society where many forms of gambling are legal and where adults around them regularly engage in gambling.  Ironically the State lottery games may be one of the more insidious messages that make gambling common place. 

Forms of gambling that are available to teens include:

  • Some internet gambling games

  • Private bets on sporting events

  • Raffles

  • Card and dice games

Parents, other family members and teachers should be aware of the following indicators of possible problem gambling – or others significant problems – developing in the teens around them.

  • Unexplained absences from school

  • Sudden drop in grades

  • Change in personality such as increased impatience or sarcasm

  • Possession of unexplained money

  • Unusual interest in newspapers or in magazines about sports, fantasy sports or poker

  • Inclusion of gambling language in their conversations

  • Stealing from the household

Interested adults can help teens avoid gambling problems by helping them to understand the risks and to stong social and critical thinking skills.  Their attitudes about gambling activities should be guided to help them understand and control risk-taking behavior.  And of course adults should set a good example.

You can get more information at 1-800-GAMBLE or

August 2010

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