Archive for October, 2010

Haunted??? (re-posted from 2009)

Are you haunted by the ghosts of a difficult past experience?  Or perhaps by the demons of still-current destructive urges?   Perhaps the Halloween celebrations can also be celebrations of your freedom from thoughts that go “bump” in the night.    

ghost2It seems that many people are haunted by experiences that were traumatic and that endure in a way that infuses and even invades their daily life.  Sometimes these are childhood experiences and sometimes they come from more recent events.  In both cases, they may follow us where ever we go, poking our spirit with unwelcome memories and disturbing  images.  Sometimes a certain voice echoes in our hearts with hurtful words, and lingers with a chill even on the warmest day.  Clients have told me of old voices of former partners who taunted them with “You just don’t want me to have more of him.” or “I could have anyone else in 5 minutes” or “Why should I care? What’s the point?”  Other times the memory and voice is from long ago, from family or family friends, distant and hollow yet still powerful and able to pierce deeply and painfully with messages of “this is the last time.”

Difficult or even terrible memories of personal trauma from accidents, crime victimization, the sudden loss of loved ones, and the diagnosis of challenging or terminal medical conditions can also haunt us and cast a somber mood over our every moment.

If you find yourself chased by the ghosts of times and events past or present, and cannot within  yourself bring them away into the light, it’s time to seek the help of a qualified therapist to help you re-kindle your imagination in a more positive and hopeful way.  It’s time to start on a path of freedom from what haunts you.   wind1

Call today to blow a breath of fresh air into your life, and chase those ghosts,  and even those demons,  away. 


Quote for Intentional Living 10/23/10

Quote for Intentional Living 

“Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it.”

Jane Wagner

Quotes for Intentional Living – 10-16-10

Quote for Intentional Living 

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”

Edgar Allan Poe

Quotes for Intentional Living – 10-09-10

Quote for Intentional Living

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

Anais Nin

… and may you find peace.

Sometimes there is not much to say. 

One only need listen, and hold the other’s heart tenderly.

Such was the moment when my client handed me a poem, by Norah Leney, that he’d found; one that evoked for him the deep sadness that had  brought him to therapy several months before.

Deep sobs –
That start beneath my heart
and hold my body in a grip that hurts.
The lump that swells inside my throat
brings pain that tries to choke.
Then tears course down my cheeks –
I drop my head in my so empty hands
abandoning myself to deep dark grief
and know that with the passing time
will come relief.
That though the pain may stay
There soon will come a day
When I can say her name
and be at peace.

Sadness is often a guest in my office, unwanted yet accepted by clients as they lift their eyes to see their reflection in mine.

Sometimes there is not much to say.  Nothing more needs saying.  And sounds would interfere.

Come experience a healing conversation, and the gentle silences in-between, that lets you, finally, hear yourself. 

Make an appointment with a qualified therapist today.

Quotes for Intentional Living – 10-02-10

Quote for Intentional Living

“Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.

Children already know that dragons exist.

Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed.”

G. K. Chesterton

October 2010

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