Archive for July, 2011

Quotes for Intentional Living – 7/09/11

Quote for Intentional Living

“In the end, we will remember
not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.”

Martin Luther King Jr.”

Happy Independence Day

As we celebrate Independence Day for our country,

take a step toward personal celebration…

and ending your own dependence on alcohol or drugs!

Much is made of the capacity to manage one’s life independently, but so many people find themselves struggling with their dependence on alcohol or drugs and sometimes lose confidence in their own inner strength.   

At its most extreme consequence, alcohol and drug dependence can rob one of friends, family, purpose and promise, until the person ceases to understand or accept the terrible price others may have paid for caring about them and trying to be loving and supportive even when the addiction turned cruel.

If you are questioning your own use of alcohol or drugs, and think that just maybe the people who have suggested it’s a significant problem are right, why not seek a professional opinion?  Call a qualified therapist today, and begin the process of exploring and illuminating your lifestyle choices and their impact on you and on the people in your life. 

Climb out of the depth of your addiction and reclaim your life.  Your therapist and the people who still care about you will believe in you until you can believe in yourself.






Quotes for Intentional Living – 07/02/11

Quote for Intentional Living

“If you’re not living on the edge,

you’re taking up too much space.”

                     Flo Kennedy

July 2011

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