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Improve you work experience and environment- Read the Showkeir’s “Authentic Conversations”

Maren and Jamie Showkeir’s seminal book on improving communication in the work place, Authentic Conversations: Moving from Manipulation to Truth and Commitment, recently received a glowing review in the online business zine bnet.  The link to the review of the Showkeirs’ very informative and well-written book is below.;col1

I recommend this book to anyone seeking to create a successful and inspirational work environment for themselves, their co-workers and their employees. 

You can read an excerpt from their book by clicking on the link below:

You can learn more about the Showkeirs at

I know that once you’ve read this serious yet accessible book you’ll feel both informed and inspired.

Maren and Jamie Showkeir’s suggestions for the workplace

Often we spend most of our waking hours in a work place, yet few people make an effort to learn effective work place behaviors beyond the skill-set for which they were hired.

Organizational consultants Maren and Jamie Showkeir are nationally recognized experts on developing cohesive and coherent organizational cultures within which all people thrive and organizational goals become achievable.  Following is a summary of some tips they have for people in the workplace, and beyond.  We would all do well to pay attention to the Showkeir’s advice.

“Workers must wake up and make wiser choices, and there are choices”, say experts Jamie and Maren Showkeir, co-authors of Authentic Conversations,and partners at Henning-Showkeir and Associates, an Arizona-based business and workplace consultancy. 

The Showkeirs have described seven make-or-break choices we make at work and beyond.  Are you making the most effective choices during your work day?  And beyond?

  • Blame everyone else — or be accountable for yourself. Stop playing the blame game. Accept accountability for your own role in improving conditions.
  • Keep quiet — or speak up. Instead of wandering and wondering, take your questions to a manager who you know and trust.
  • Feel helpless — or take action. In the wise words of Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see.”
  • Gossip — or do your job. Odds are your workplace is rampant with rumors and what-ifs. Bypass “fictional” chitchat and focus on your work.
  • Look out for yourself — or consider others, too. Looking out for #1 is a shortsighted strategy. Success in times of crises requires goodwill and collaboration.
  • Tell others how to feel — or listen. Create a safe space for sharing and listening.
  • Wallow in doom and gloom — or be hopeful. Rise up and take the road less traveled — convey a grounded sense of hope and optimism.

You can find out more about Maren and Jamie Showkeir, and their inspirational ideas for personal and organizational success at

June 2024

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